Release: “A Quick Bite of Flesh” An Anthology of Zombie Flash Fiction

Hello All,

Friday marked the release of “A Quick Bite of Flesh” from Hazardous Press, containing a version of my story Barricade.

It’s currently available on Kindle. UPDATE: And now available in paperback.

If you’ve read it, and enjoyed it, I’m sure all the authors would appreciate a few good words on Amazon or on Goodreads. Also, I have a Goodreads author page now. I’m not sure why, but this delights me to no end.

Thanks, as always, for reading.

Metapost: The Post That Isn’t About Zombies

My apologies for the quiet spell. Things move and wheels turn but I haven’t had much to share for a while. I do have another zombie focused Media Roundtable post prepared, along with some musings on zombies in horror fiction, but that will arrive later this week. For the meantime, I’ll just leave you with a few updates and videos and links to share…

On the publishing front, I’ve reached 40+ rejections, and a scant handful of acceptances. I’m widening my search as it were, which has resulted in discovering some smaller publications I might not have found earlier. If you are in the mood for some short fiction magazines, I can suggest Lamplight Magazine, Abomination Magazine, and Fireside Magazine, as some hidden gems. If you have suggestions for other short fiction venues, either for submission or for reading, please leave a comment.

A Quick Bite of Flesh, the zombie flash fiction anthology that will contain a pared down version of Barricade, will be available on Friday Sep 21st on Kindle, and in print in early October.  Except a little more ballyhoo here when it’s available. The Dead Sea, a nautical horror anthology will be coming in early October, and I’ll provide links to both.

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